About the green channel

The Green Channel is an on-line curated streaming service dedicated to environmental content. We hope that each of the films on our service, in some way, shines a light on today’s most pressing environmental challenges — and the creative, hopeful solutions that can drive change. We believe that the first step to solving an environmental problem is knowing about it. So by supporting environmental filmmakers and the stories they create, we get closer to solving a problem or saving a species at risk. Our goal is to be a voice for living things.

Our Global Library

We are proud of our growing library of content on the channel. We search the planet for gems that you haven’t seen before, showcasing award-winning films that offer fresh perspectives on old debates, or present new and potentially transformative information. Many of our films are ones that cannot be found anywhere else online. Already we are amazed at how different environmental issues may be viewed depending on where a film is made. We hope that by comparing films on similar topics, we might unlock a solution that was not obvious before.

Medicine Of The Wolf: Film Poster - Close up of a wolf's face, one half lit with its striking eye and the right side is shadowedWe’re especially proud of our collection of remastered and hard-to-find classic ecological films. These voices need to be heard again. It's fascinating to see how environmental issues were viewed in the past. We’re also excited about our hundreds of hours of lightly edited exclusive footage documenting important environmental events of public interest. In our public interest folder you might find footage of unusual weather events, oil spills, Inquiries, environmental enhancement projects, and more. Exhibit 2148, for example, is the only video copy of "The Cohen Inquiry - The Decline of the Fraser River Sockeye". The Cohen Inquiry was a year long, exhaustive look at why the iconic Fraser River sockeye stocks are in trouble. This footage was shot by our founder, Scott Renyard, when he spent more than a year of his time filming this important environmental investigation by the Canadian Government. The Dick Harvey collection features footage shot by the late Dick Harvey who documented salmon, herring, and wild animals on British Columbia's coast for 40 years. It’s rough and raw, but tells us so much about the Canadian west coast and is a treasure for all to view and use. Stay tuned as we add more and more of his work over the coming months. As our library grows, we will add more categories to help our subscribers find stories, species, and issues that interest them the most.

A video streaming service with a twist

As you may have guessed, one of our missions is to amplify and empower the voices of independent filmmakers and environmental champions who are telling stories about the past, present, and future of our planet. Through these filmmakers, we hope to give a voice to living things that cannot speak for themselves. But we are not just about factual environmental stories. Looking forward, you can expect to see dramas, comedies, news, and reality programming all with environmental themes. Check out “Save the Planet Already!” which will launch very soon about stand up comedians and their take on the environmental issues we face today. Or maybe not!

Partnering with you and others who care

Simply by signing up for The Green Channel, our subscribers are helping the environment. Why? Our service is add free and we hope to keep it that way. Your subscriptions allow us to buy films from the filmmakers that shed light on an environmental issue or endangered species. So we like to say... how would you like to help the environment by lying on the couch? Subscribe and watch our content and you are helping the environment. It's that simple. So please join us, subscribe, and add your voice to The Green Channel. Subscribe now.